Trade Testing Board Punjab was constituted under National Training Ordinance 1980 to function as Examination Board for Technical & Vocational Training and to certify skilled persons at National Standards i-e G-I (Highly Skilled), G-II (Skilled), G-III (Semi-Skilled).  In Punjab, TTB was established at Labour Department, Govt. of Punjab with technical assistance of Federal Republic of Germany. The Board was re-constituted in 1984 to expand its functions and to improve examination system. After promulgation of TEVTA ordinance in the year 1999, Trade Testing Board was place under administrative control of TEVTA. TTB Board has hybrid Public Private structure; headed by Director (BS-20) as Chairperson and consist of members from the private sector.

Certificate Verification

Verification of Qualification Certificate is an important step to gain employment. It requires by some employers to validate the academic record and to screen out such job seekers who have forged certificate.

Mission Statement

To assess the competencies of skilled workforce through transparent evaluation system and certify them at national and international skills standards with efficient management structure.

Message from the Chairperson

Shahryar Ahmad Khan

Gone is the era when skills were overlooked and degrees were given utmost importance. Recently the demand for skill workers has increased dramatically in both private and public sectors.

We are facing a variety of challenges in skills development to provide globally competitive workforce. TVET reforms are being introduced, with technical assistance of GIZ, to improve quality of skills training and its accessibility.   NVQF has been introduced under TVET Reforms Support Program to provide vertical & horizontal mobility of learners and different pathways to earn qualifications.

Quality Policy

We are committed to certify competencies of workforce as per International Standards through continual improvement methods to meet ever-increasing level of customer satisfaction. The policy shall be deployed through:-

  • Continuous capacity building of assessors and staff.
  • Continuous improvement in assessment tools and procedures.
  • Continuous upgradation of management system for provision of timely and excellent services.

We assure dedicated efforts towards achievement of the above.