Competency Based Training & Assessment (CBT & A)

Competency Based Training & Assessment (CBT&A) System focuses on performance of individual which is measured against nationally approved competency standards. Competency Standards define knowledge, skills and attitude required by employers/ industries for effective performance at workplace.

In Pakistan, Competency Based Training & Assessment System has been introduced under TVET Reform Support Program. NAVTTC, with technical assistance of GIZ, has developed Training Packages to implement CBT&A System. CBT curricula have been designed that prepare trainees for demonstration of their knowledge, skills and attitude to perform a task successfully.

Competency Based Assessment (CBA) is collection of evidences to demonstrate that a trainee/ learner can perform according to approved competency standards. The outcome of trainee’s performance is judged as “Competent” or  “Not Yet Competent”.

In CBT&A System, assessment process is part of learning process. Thus formative & integrated both types of assessments play vital role in CBA. Formative Assessment will be conducted by Instructor of the trainees, as Internal Assessor, to improve their performance. In order to create evidences for knowledge, skill and attitude, Monthly Test will be conducted will also be conducted by Internal Assessor. Integrated Assessment will be conducted by Trade Testing Board as Qualification Awarding Body. Trainees will be assessed by External Assessors deputed by TTB on completion of training course. Holistic & integrated approach will be adopted for Integrated Assessment, to verify demonstration of knowledge, skills & attitude achieved by trainees.

Eligibility Criteria of Trainees to appear in Integrated Assessment is as under:-
  • At least 80% attendance in training and
  • Declared “Competent” by internal assessor, in all Monthly Tests covering all units of competencies as prescribed in curriculum.