Trade Testing Board Punjab was constituted under National Training Ordinance 1980 to function as Examination Board for Technical & Vocational Training and to certify skilled persons at National Standards i-e G-I (Highly Skilled), G-II (Skilled), G-III (Semi-Skilled).  In Punjab, TTB was established at Labour Department, Govt. of Punjab with technical assistance of Federal Republic of Germany. The Board was re-constituted in 1984 to expand its functions and to improve examination system. After promulgation of TEVTA ordinance in the year 1999, Trade Testing Board was place under administrative control of TEVTA.

TTB Board has hybrid Public Private structure; headed by Director (BS-20) as Chairperson and consist of following members from the private sector:-

Mr. Ahmed Shafiq
Executive Director


Mr. Abdul Khalique Khan
Chief Executive


Mr. Sohail Afzal


Mr. Sohail Lashari
Ex-President LCCI / Chairman

SOZO Parks

TVET in Punjab has improved, expanded and diversified with the passage of time. Resultantly, the scope of TTB activities has increased many folds. With the inclusion of variety of programs and variety of training institutes, TTB has become robust and innovative organization. At present Registration, Examination and Certification of about 100,000 candidates of 370 following type of Institutes both male & female, are being managed by Trade Testing Board:-

  • Govt. Technical Training Institutes (GTTIs)
  • Apprentices Training Centres (GATCs)
  • Govt. College of Technology (GCTs)
  • Technical Training Centres (GTTCs Male &Female) of ABAD, PSIC, TEVTA, NAVTTC
  • Govt. Vocational Training Institutes for Women (GVTIs-W)
  • Agriculture Machinery Training Schools (AMTSs)
  • Ready Made Garment Training Centres (RMGTCs)
  • Service Centres
  • Private Affiliated Institutions

Trade Testing Board conducts examination of following programs and award Certificates to the pass-outs:-

  • Traditional Qualifications i-e G-I, G-II & G-III
  • Short Courses (upto 6 months)
  • Recognition of Prior Learning
  • CBT and CVT Qualifications Level-1 to Level-4
  • Special Programs including Training of Transgender, Training in Jails, Training in Deeni Madaras etc.
  • Projects with USAID and Microsoft IT

TTB has earned repute of a dynamic and progressive organization locally and before donor agencies due to innovative interventions for improvement of Examination System.

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