Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is formal recognition of competencies an individual has attained through life experience, regardless of how, when and where the learning occurred. It is an alternative approach to provide career path for those individuals who did not get opportunity of formal institutional training. In RPL process a person’s competencies are assessed to determine the extent to which that person has achieved the required competencies as set out for any Provincial or National qualification.

In Punjab, there are number of workers in job market, who have acquired competencies through informal learning/Ustad-Shagird system but they do not have certificates in recognition of their competencies. Trade Testing Board (TTB) Punjab has decided to bring them in the net of recognized Skilled/Semi-Skilled/Basic workers by giving them an opportunity to earn certificates under RPL.

The candidates, who will be employees of many businesses, will be selected by accredited Assessment Centres. The candidates will be assessed against the competency standards developed by Academics Department TEVTA Punjab, for G-V qualifications in 15 trades, OR the candidates also have opportunity to apply for NVQF qualifications developed by NAVTTC.

It has also been decided to certify trained staff on NVQF Qualifications. To achieve the objective, TVET SSP has collaborated with Trade Testing Board (TTB) Punjab. TTB will assess competencies of trained staff on NVQF Standards and certify them on NVQF Qualification through RPL system.

The candidates, who will be Instructional Staff at training institutions of different Provinces, will be selected by relevant Controlling Body/Authority. Assessment Centre/Venue will be arranged by TVET SSP and TTB will conduct Final Assessment consist of 4-consecutive days, 5-hours per day, in order to determine that requisite competencies have been achieved by the candidates as prescribed in NVQF Standards.


For the Employer

  • Raise the profile of the business;
  • Increase profitability through certified skilled workers;
  • Motivated & committed staff
  • Assure quality of product & service.

For the Learner/Employee

  • Boost pride & self esteem;
  • Short time & reduced cost to earn a certificate;
  • Career progression.
  • Incentive for further training.